Självutlastning kemikalier
In collaboration with Engie and ABB we have developed a terminal loading management system of chemicals. Cargo orders, drivers and trucks are centrally administered with SAP and integrated with a local control system. The driver controls the planning and execution of loading in a loading application that controls products, concentration, ADR-certificates, orders and quantity relative to the trucks compartment space. The loaded weight is registered with a mass flow meter or weighbridge. Currently, this system operates 24/7 in seven locations.
Effective order management of chemical products
In principle it is easy to grasp how a delivery chain of chemical products, such as sodium hydroxide, work – the sodium arrives via a tanker to a distribution terminal where a lorry transports the sodium to a large scale manufacturer, a paper mill, for example.
There are, however, a few things to consider.
All of the above can be solved with our products and services.
Client order, driver orders and invoicing – we cover it all
Our system is based on a connection to local measuring sensors that supply level information. The system provides a register with all lorries that can carry the product and a local terminal monitors the amount needed in each compartment of the lorry. This ensures that the right amount is delivered and the deliveries are as effective as possible, even if a range of companies are contracted for the transport. This system also handles mobile cisterns.
Other advantages with the system are;
Easily managed without an installed measuring system
If there are no current measuring systems providing data in place, we have developed a unit that wirelessly collects data from local measuring sensors. It is small, compact and easily mounted on a DIN-rail, ideally in an existing control cabinet. Standardised data is transmitted effectively when new data is available, which reduces the systems operational costs for the network provider.
The system is designed to allow expansion while remaining operational, as our clients often rely on its constant use and access. By developing this through a cloud server we achieve high operational reliability. This cloud based service also makes it possible to predict planned deliveries based on previous order history.
These predictions can be adapted to superior planning systems, such as SAP, and can even include scheduled production downtime. This could for example be used to buffer a clients’ volumes prior to scheduling a standing production downtime.
It is also possible to make logical combinations of orders when a client has more than one tank for a certain product. Building from user history, a deal can be managed in ways that allow subscriptions with set delivery slots to be incorporated, given there is room in the cisterns.
Our order management system is especially designed for this type of use and contains the necessary parts without overbearing the user with unnecessary information. Our extensive experience with practical operations of tank deliveries has informed the way we have designed this product, making sure it really works in practice. Finally, the service is available through a monthly subscription, allowing you to easily calculate how fast transport deals pay off.